Elk and Zambia? Go figure!
Through our active involvement with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF), we met Stan and Jacqueline Burger, owners of Stan Burger Safaris in South Africa. About a year ago they visited our mutual friends, Cheryl and Bert Haralson, in Augusta, AR. My husband and I were invited to join them and share memories of Cheryl and Bert's recent African hunt (at the Burger's Safari). On the way to Augusta I jokingly told my husband that I looked on a map and discovered that Zambia is "just this far" (holding up index finger and thumb indicating about an inch) and, "wouldn't that be funny if I went with Beckie and Dan to Zambia, then went on to South Africa to hunt?" (mind you, I have never killed a big animal...only a turtle and a snake). Coy turned to me and said, "you wanna go?....think about it....seriously."
So a few weeks later, we were highest bidder at the annual RMEF convention ("Elk Camp") for Stan's hunt and I volunteered to supervise graduate students as they provide language stimulation/enrichment and feeding to the children in Namwianga, Kalomo ZAMBIA!
"Lord Have Mercy" (something my Daddy frequently said, with a long southern drawl...."Loooord Haaaaaave Mercy!")
This was NEVER on "my bucket list"! I NEVER wanted to travel outside the country again! ... "there are too many things in the United States I want to see!" .... And here I am....can't wait to go to AFRICA (even though the most challenging thing for me is being away from Coy for 5 weeks while I am supervising students).
Coy has delighted in teaching me all about fire arms and hitting the target!
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