Shanti Namaste

One thing is for sure:  I am preparing both physically and mentally for a trip to Africa!  This includes Yoga, which has been around for thousands of years, but I’m just now discovering it! The word, “yoga”, means “to unite”, as in, uniting all aspects of our being (body, mind, emotion, and spirit).  My doctor prescribed it many years ago, but I didn’t heed his advice. 

If you know me well you will often hear me say, “just breathe!” Well, I am taking my own advice and I’m taking it seriously. I recently read “how we breathe is how we live our lives”.  If that’s true, my stress-filled, fight-or-flight adrenaline non-stop day is compounded by poor breathing, robbing my energy, and negatively impacting my mood and mental alertness!

Oh well.  I am making great efforts to breathe properly, improve my posture and flexibility, grow stronger, and … I am learning to relax. So here’s to Downward Facing Dog, Cat and Cow, Plank, Boat Pose, Sun Salutations, Bridge Pose, Corpse Pose, and all the rest!

Shanti Namaste (and thank you, Teresa!)

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I am a school-based Speech-Language Pathologist with 36 years of experience and I am about to embark on the experience of a lifetime!


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