Lesson One

Today is Saturday, the second full day in Zambia. The trip was exhausting, but it is clearly what I expected, so I was prepared. I watched 4 movies in between napping and eating and walking the isle, so I was entertained. We stayed in Johannesburg the first night and quickly learned to wait. And wait. And wait. So, I am trying to learn to be patient but it is hard when I expect speed and efficiency. I now understand "WTA" - "Welcome to Africa"! LESSON ONE!

The next morning we flew to Livingstone, Zambia. Before the plane departed, the flight attendant sprayed the cabin with something. It reminded me of the days my brothers and friends and I ran behind the truck pulling the contraption emitting "mosquito spray" (I think it was DDT!) When we arrived at the airport, we went through customs again. Guess what--we had to wait and I thought I had learned LESSON ONE!

We were met by Rod and Sue Calder and escorted to Nanwianga. Their daughter, Emily who had been in school in Searcy, traveled with us. The Caulders even had iced cold drinks for us! The Caulders live and work at the mission and gladly gave us a warm welcome.

The bus ride to The Mission took a little over an hour and we arrived just before dark. We met Leonard the head cook and enjoyed a dinner. Following dinner we went to our assigned living quarters. There are 6 supervisors, including me and 18 students, some of whom are from Abilene Christian. Shortly following our arrival the electricity went out and remained out for a few hours. We unpacked in the dark but I was prepared with my flashlight and headlamp!

Throughout all the hustle & bustle of preparing for this trip I wonder if I will ever really learn LESSON ONE : wait & have patience!

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I am a school-based Speech-Language Pathologist with 36 years of experience and I am about to embark on the experience of a lifetime!


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